Shipping Fee Calculator - Taobao Air Freight 1688 Sea shipment

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What is first and next weight?

What are the restrictions on banned items?

What if my parcel exceeds weight limit?

What is volumetric weight?

First weight = weight at lowest shipping cost.

Volumetric weight = Volume L (cm) × W (cm) × H (cm) / Factor

Items banned from import include tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and contraband items.

If a parcel has large volume but light weight

volume will be converted to weight to calculate the shipping fee.

Next weight = weight that exceeds first weigh

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Top QuestionsMore >>
What is first and next weight?
First weight = weight at lowest shipping cost. If parcel is within first weight, it will be charged as first weight. Next weight = weight that exceeds first weight.
What if my parcel exceeds weight limit?
You will be notified that it cannot be shipped and be advised to remove a few products. We can also pack your products into different parcels and consignment notes.
What are the restrictions on banned items?
Items banned from import include tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and contraband items. For air shipping, food items, liquids, batteries, powders, and pastes must be declared. To ship sensitive items (small number), combine with normal items and we can try to ship it.
What is volumetric weight?
Volumetric weight = Volume L (cm) × W (cm) × H (cm) / Factor. If a parcel has large volume but light weight, volume will be converted to weight to calculate the shipping fee.